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LearnSoftware is an Australian-based education startup with mission of creating an open, accessible, and free education ecosystem for learners and tutors. In today’s ever-changing digital world, the importance of software skills and technological mindset are indisputable. Indeed, learning practical software in engineering domain equips zero and hero engineers with skills, knowledge, and confidence.
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Wall Drawing Basics in Revit

Setting SnapPoints, Project Unit, Temporary Dimensions Before Drawing Wall

In this 15 Min Exercise-based Tutorial, we get familiar with one of the Most important tools in Revit archiecture “WALL.” First, we learn wall drawing basics and show how to create various shapes, and measure their sides. We have comprehensive overview on SnapPoints and the way to activate this critical function. At the end, weillustrate one of the important use-case of temporary dimensions for specifying distance between two walls.  

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Pivot Table in Microsoft Excel 2021

Pivot Table in Microsoft Office 2021

In this video, we learn about Pivot Table, a feature in Excel for summarizing and analyzing large amounts of data. With Pivot Table, users can quickly categorize, summarize, filter, and calculate data, while generating dynamic and interactive reports. In Excel 2021, Pivot Table has been further optimized and improved to make data analysis and report generation more convenient for users.    

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Goal Seek in Microsoft Excel 2021

Goal Seek in Microsoft Excel 2021

In this insightful tutorial, we unlock the incredible potentials of Goal Seek feature in Excel. Goal Seek can solve complex problems by determining the input value required to achieve a target outcome. This tool is often used in financial analysis, project management, engineering fields, business development, etc. to find the necessary value of a specific cell for a desired result.      

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